Clinical Document Architecture
2.0.0-sd-202406-matchbox-patch - release

Clinical Document Architecture - Local Development build (v2.0.0-sd-202406-matchbox-patch) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: ED - XML Profile

Active as of 2024-06-19

XML representation of the ED logical model.

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<StructureDefinition xmlns="">
  <id value="ED"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="">
      <p>Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Instead of the data itself, an ED may contain only a reference (see TEL.) Note that the ST data type is a specialization of the ED data type when the ED media type is text/plain.</p>
        <valueCode value="not-applicable"/>
    <valueUri value="urn:hl7-org:v3"/>
  <url value=""/>
  <version value="2.0.0-sd-202406-matchbox-patch"/>
  <name value="ED"/>
  <title value="ED: EncapsulatedData (V3 Data Type)"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <experimental value="false"/>
  <date value="2024-06-19T17:47:42+02:00"/>
  <publisher value="Health Level 7"/>
    <name value="HL7 International - Structured Documents"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
      <system value="email"/>
      <value value=""/>
               value="Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information in as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Instead of the data itself, an may contain only a reference (see .) Note that the data type is a specialization of the data type when the media type is text/plain."/>
  <fhirVersion value="5.0.0"/>
    <identity value="rim"/>
    <uri value=""/>
    <name value="RIM Mapping"/>
  <kind value="logical"/>
  <abstract value="false"/>
  <type value=""/>
  <derivation value="specialization"/>
    <element id="ED">
      <path value="ED"/>
      <short value="Base for all types and resources"/>
                  value="Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Instead of the data itself, an ED may contain only a reference (see TEL.) Note that the ST data type is a specialization of when the is text/plain."/>
      <min value="1"/>
      <max value="*"/>
        <path value="Base"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="*"/>
        <key value="ed-base64"/>
        <severity value="error"/>
               value="If @representation='B64', then xmlText SHALL be a base64binary string."/>
                    value="(representation.empty() or representation != 'B64') or xmlText.empty() or xmlText.matches('^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+//]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+//]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+//]{3}=)?$')"/>
      <isModifier value="false"/>
        <identity value="rim"/>
        <map value="n/a"/>
    <element id="ED.nullFlavor">
      <path value="ED.nullFlavor"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Exceptional Value Detail"/>
                  value="If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ANY.nullFlavor"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.compression">
      <path value="ED.compression"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Compression"/>
                  value="Indicates whether the raw byte data is compressed, and what compression algorithm was used."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.compression"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.integrityCheck">
      <path value="ED.integrityCheck"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Integrity Check"/>
                  value="The integrity check is a short binary value representing a cryptographically strong checksum that is calculated over the binary data. The purpose of this property, when communicated with a reference is for anyone to validate later whether the reference still resolved to the same data that the reference resolved to when the encapsulated data value with reference was created."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.integrityCheck"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="base64Binary"/>
    <element id="ED.integrityCheckAlgorithm">
      <path value="ED.integrityCheckAlgorithm"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Integrity Check Algorithm"/>
                  value="Specifies the algorithm used to compute the integrityCheck value. The cryptographically strong checksum algorithm Secure Hash Algorithm-1 (SHA-1) is currently the industry standard. It has superseded the MD5 algorithm only a couple of years ago, when certain flaws in the security of MD5 were discovered. Currently the SHA-1 hash algorithm is the default choice for the integrity check algorithm. Note that SHA-256 is also entering widespread usage."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.integrityCheckAlgorithm"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.language">
      <path value="ED.language"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Language"/>
                  value="For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.language"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
    <element id="ED.mediaType">
      <path value="ED.mediaType"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Media Type"/>
                  value="Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.mediaType"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="example"/>
        <valueSet value=""/>
    <element id="ED.representation">
      <path value="ED.representation"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.representation"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.xmlText">
      <path value="ED.xmlText"/>
      <representation value="xmlText"/>
             value="Allows for mixed text content. If @representation='B64', this SHALL be a base64binary string."/>
                  value="Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.)"/>
               value="This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name &quot;xmlText&quot; will not appear in a CDA instance."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.xmlText"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="string"/>
    <element id="ED.reference">
      <path value="ED.reference"/>
      <label value="Reference"/>
                  value="A telecommunication address (TEL), such as a URL for HTTP or FTP, which will resolve to precisely the same binary data that could as well have been provided as inline data."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.reference"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value=""/>
    <element id="ED.thumbnail">
      <path value="ED.thumbnail"/>
      <label value="Thumbnail"/>
                  value="An abbreviated rendition of the full data. A thumbnail requires significantly fewer resources than the full data, while still maintaining some distinctive similarity with the full data. A thumbnail is typically used with by-reference encapsulated data. It allows a user to select data more efficiently before actually downloading through the reference."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="ED.thumbnail"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value=""/>
    <element id="ED">
      <path value="ED"/>
                  value="Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.) Instead of the data itself, an ED may contain only a reference (see TEL.) Note that the ST data type is a specialization of when the is text/plain."/>
      <min value="1"/>
      <max value="*"/>
        <key value="ed-base64"/>
        <severity value="error"/>
               value="If @representation='B64', then xmlText SHALL be a base64binary string."/>
                    value="(representation.empty() or representation != 'B64') or xmlText.empty() or xmlText.matches('^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+//]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+//]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+//]{3}=)?$')"/>
    <element id="ED.compression">
      <path value="ED.compression"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Compression"/>
                  value="Indicates whether the raw byte data is compressed, and what compression algorithm was used."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.integrityCheck">
      <path value="ED.integrityCheck"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Integrity Check"/>
                  value="The integrity check is a short binary value representing a cryptographically strong checksum that is calculated over the binary data. The purpose of this property, when communicated with a reference is for anyone to validate later whether the reference still resolved to the same data that the reference resolved to when the encapsulated data value with reference was created."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="base64Binary"/>
    <element id="ED.integrityCheckAlgorithm">
      <path value="ED.integrityCheckAlgorithm"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Integrity Check Algorithm"/>
                  value="Specifies the algorithm used to compute the integrityCheck value. The cryptographically strong checksum algorithm Secure Hash Algorithm-1 (SHA-1) is currently the industry standard. It has superseded the MD5 algorithm only a couple of years ago, when certain flaws in the security of MD5 were discovered. Currently the SHA-1 hash algorithm is the default choice for the integrity check algorithm. Note that SHA-256 is also entering widespread usage."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.language">
      <path value="ED.language"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Language"/>
                  value="For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
    <element id="ED.mediaType">
      <path value="ED.mediaType"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <label value="Media Type"/>
                  value="Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="example"/>
        <valueSet value=""/>
    <element id="ED.representation">
      <path value="ED.representation"/>
      <representation value="xmlAttr"/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="code"/>
        <strength value="required"/>
    <element id="ED.xmlText">
      <path value="ED.xmlText"/>
      <representation value="xmlText"/>
             value="Allows for mixed text content. If @representation='B64', this SHALL be a base64binary string."/>
                  value="Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7. This includes unformatted or formatted written language, multimedia data, or structured information as defined by a different standard (e.g., XML-signatures.)"/>
               value="This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name &quot;xmlText&quot; will not appear in a CDA instance."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value="string"/>
    <element id="ED.reference">
      <path value="ED.reference"/>
      <label value="Reference"/>
                  value="A telecommunication address (TEL), such as a URL for HTTP or FTP, which will resolve to precisely the same binary data that could as well have been provided as inline data."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value=""/>
    <element id="ED.thumbnail">
      <path value="ED.thumbnail"/>
      <label value="Thumbnail"/>
                  value="An abbreviated rendition of the full data. A thumbnail requires significantly fewer resources than the full data, while still maintaining some distinctive similarity with the full data. A thumbnail is typically used with by-reference encapsulated data. It allows a user to select data more efficiently before actually downloading through the reference."/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <code value=""/>