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Matchbox Engine

Matchbox engine has been created to allow a standalone FHIR validation and transformation without the need for a connection to the internet:

  • java library
  • supports CDA to FHIR mapping
  • FHIR validation with no external terminology server
  • local configuration (no internet access necessary, ig packages can be loaded directly from classpath)
  • javadoc

default fhir package configuration:

  • cda-uv-core-2.0#2.0.0-sd-202406-matchbox-patch.tgz
  • hl7.fhir.r4.core.tgz
  • hl7.fhir.xver-extensions#0.1.0.tgz
  • hl7.terminology.r4#6.2.0.tgz
  • hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4#1.0.0.tgz

Library based on matchbox and hapi-fhir / org.hl7.fhir.core

The transformation and validation functionality has been extracted out of matchbox ( into the matchbox-engine ( library. This has been done in a way, that the matchbox project contains different modules:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] matchbox                                                           [pom]
[INFO] matchbox-engine                                                    [jar]
[INFO] matchbox-server                                                    [jar]
[INFO] ----------------------< >----------------------
[INFO] Building matchbox 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT                                   [1/4]

matchbox-engine creates the java library, matchbox-engine-cli adds all dependencies as a fat jar which can be directly executed (>100 MB) and matchbox-server provides the FHIR API as a microservice. It also uses matchbox-engine, so if matchbox is used during developing and testing the mapping, matchbox-engine will deliver the same result.

matchbox-engine is only based on org.hl7.fhir.core libraries (HAPI FHIR - HL7 FHIR Core Artifacts), the dependency to hapi-fhir is not necessary for the library. The library is derived from the HL7 Java FHIR Validator and FHIR Mapping Language implementation. During the development of the mapping a few missing functionalities in the Mapping Language have been discovered and have been also contributed back to the org.hl7.fhir.core project (Pull requests). Note however that there are some classes patched in matchbox-engine because of peculiarities in the parsing/mapping of CDA and package handling (patched files). These patched files are updated and changes applied during each new release of org.hl7.fhir.core and tests are run to verify the correctness of the defined mappings. The library requires JDK11 which is also the minimum requirement for HAPI FHIR - HL7 FHIR Core Artifacts.

Integrate matchbox-engine with Maven

You can add the matchbox-engine dependency in your pom.xml:


API and Javadoc

The source code is documented with Javadoc. Test cases illustrate the main functionality for transformation with the FHIR Mapping Language and for CDA to FHIR transformation.

For validation or transformation, you need to instantiate a matchbox-engine. This matchbox-engine can be configured with a specific version of an implementation guide and its dependencies. You can instantiate multiple engines with different ig's.


Validaton is currently supported for FHIR R4. You can get an instance of matchbox-engine the following way:

engine = new MatchboxEngineBuilder().getEngineR4();

This engine is configured with the core libraries for FHIR Release 4 (hl7.fhir.r4.core.tgz, hl7.fhir.xver-extensions#0.0.13.tgz, hl7.terminology#5.1.0.tgz). You can then invoke the validation with

InputStream in = CdaToFhirTransformTests.class.getResourceAsStream("/pat.json");
org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.OperationOutcome outcome = engine.validate(in,FhirFormat.JSON, "");

You have the ability to add additional implementation guides to the engine (e.g. if you wan’t to support validation for your implementation guide). The engine will look for it in the local disk cache or in the remote FHIR package repository.

engine.loadPackage("ihe.formatcode.fhir", "1.0.0");

It is possible to load an IG from the content of its NPM package, but its dependencies won't be automatically fetched.


You can create also a new instance based on an existing engine. This might be needed if you want to update conformance resources in an instance or if you want to have support for validation with different versions of ig’s (an engine can only be configured with one ig version, there is no support that an engine has two versions of the same ig).

Using the FHIR Mapping Language for transformation

If the engine has been configured already with StructureMap resources (e.g. provided within an Implementation Guide) the transformation can be directly called:

Resource res = engine.transformToFhir(getFileAsStringFromResources("/qr.json"), true, "");

If you wan’t to provide the StructureMap yourself you can parse a FHIR Mapping Language map file and add the StructureMap resource then to the engine.

StructureMap sm = engine.parseMap(getFileAsStringFromResources("/"));

For the transformation the canonical Url of the StructureMaps has to be used.

CDA to FHIR mapping

To support CDA to FHIR mapping (or vice versa) a specific CDAEngine is available, which is configured with CDA Logical Model. To do CDA to FHIR transformations you need to write the mapping logic and provide them as StructureMap resources in an Implementation Guide.

You can then load the engine with those maps:

engine = new CdaMappingEngine.CdaMappingEngineBuilder().getEngine();

And then do the transformation with

String result = engine.transform(cda, false, "", true);