
2024/09/16 Release 3.9.1 - Make CORS configurable, default not activated make cors configurable (now activated) #271 - server API FML transforms between different FHIR versions (R4, R4B, R5) #265, set flag xVersion - show a notification on errors in the validation GUI #272 - ignore info/warnings also in slicing info #273 - Gazelle validation reports with no issues should pass #274 - update frontend dependencies - provide version-less Gazelle profiles for current packages #276

2024/09/10 Release 3.9.0

  • initial support for FML transforms between different FHIR versions (R4, R4B, R5) #265, set flag xVersion
  • support for FHIR R4B in engine and server #65
  • upgrade to hapi-fhir 7.4.0 and org.hl7.fhir.core 6.3.24 #267
  • Ignore info/warnings also in slicing info #269

2024/08/13 Release 3.8.10

2024/07/10 Release 3.8.9

  • add support for dateTime #243
  • fix code editor high-jacking of the search keyboard shortcut (CTRL + f) #260
  • upgrade Tomcat to fix CVE-2024-34750

2024/06/25 Release 3.8.8

  • validation for 3 letter country codes #259
  • making caching of txServer configurable
  • add support for dateTime #243

2024/06/24 Release 3.8.7

  • docker image for v3.8.6 not starting up #258

2024/06/24 Release 3.8.6

  • fhirpath date add/minus with variables in fml #243
  • update to published CDA FHIR logical model with matcbhox patches 2.0.0-sd #241
  • update frontend for high security vulnerabilities #246
  • CH:IPS validation problem #248
  • improved the validation GUI #242, upgraded to angular@18
  • update to hl7.fhir.core 6.3.11 #254
  • fixed validation problems #250,#251,#252
  • enable Terminology Caching #257

2024/06/14 Release 3.8.5

  • Exception when using internal terminology server #236
  • Extension profiles are not shown for validation anymore #237
  • Ignore suppressWarnInfo Version independent #239

2024/05/27 Release 3.8.4

  • R5 validation problem from EVS Client #234
  • IPS validation with unknown extensions should not give an error #233
  • Only download NPM package from localhost or ci-build if already installed in container #232

2024/04/29 Release 3.8.3

  • profile validation with different ig version issues, GUI & EVS Client #225
  • improved the profile selection in the validation GUI
  • FML: Side effect exception when updating a StructureMap #227

2024/04/22 Release 3.8.2

  • Improvements in the Gazelle validation API
  • Upgrade to Spring 6.1.6 to fix CVE-2024-22262
  • Fix CVE-2023-4043
  • Upgrade to HAPI FHIR 7.0.2 and org.hl7.fhir.core 6.3.5 #222

2024/04/09 Release 3.8.1

  • update to latest cda logical model 2.0.0-sd-snapshot1 (CDA Serialization issue) #196
  • adapt the simple terminology server to the new API #217
  • loading of ig's in dev mode into engine #219
  • upgrade to JDK 21 (LTS)
  • Path traversal in webpack-dev-middleware #221

2024/03/19 Release 3.8.0

  • docker pull
  • update to fhir.core.version 6.3.2 #210
  • support for target CDA observation.value as xsi:type CS #205
  • update to latest cda logical model 2.0.0-sd-snapshot1 (Note: breaking changes for existing CDA to FHIR maps, see details in issue) #196
  • Update to Spring 6.1.5 to fix CVE-2024-22259
  • Update to Tomcat 10.1.19 to fix CVE-2024-24549
  • Update frontend dependencies
  • Fixed invalid imports in FhirPathR4 #5

2024/03/07 Release 3.7.0

  • docker pull
  • Implemented the new Gazelle validation API #141
  • Fixed some validation GUI issues #207
  • Renamed the keyword "current" to "last" for Implementation Guide versions #206
  • Added support for R5 #55
  • Fixed an XXE vulnerability in the XmlParser #45
  • Upgraded to HAPI FHIR 7.0.1

2024/02/28 Release 3.6.1

  • docker pull
  • Fixed support for the date format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.UUUU[+|-ZZzz] #202

2024/02/27 Release 3.6.0

  • docker pull
  • Upgraded to HAPI FHIR 7.0.0 and org.hl7.fhir.core #191
  • Added matchbox validation API tests #193

2024/01/31 Release 3.5.4

  • docker pull
  • The application now stops if it fails to load an IG, instead of continuing running without an engine #171
  • GUI: improved the validation interface #177
  • Dependency upgrade to fix various security issues (see and
  • Added security scanners for the Java code, Java dependencies and Docker image

2024/01/05 Release 3.5.3

  • docker pull
  • Updated hl7.terminology from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 #174
  • Prevented initializing a matchbox engine in only_load_packages mode #172
  • Fixed the issue count in validation results #173
  • Improved the validation interface
  • GUI: updated to Angular 17

2023/12/27 Release 3.5.2

  • docker pull
  • IG ballot versions are not considered "current" if the same version, non-balloted is also loaded #168
  • Removed wrong warning about R5 specials not being loaded #167
  • Fixed loading of hl7.terminology #166
  • Added onlyOneEngine and httpReadOnly flags to the validation OperationOutcome #164
  • Implemented feature to suppress warning/information-level issues from validation result #163
  • Fixed configuration of the terminology server when onlyOneEngine mode is used #160
  • Improved common error messages about engine malfunctions #159
  • Improved waiting loop for the validation engine initialization (you should not get the "engine not ready" error message anymore)
  • Reworked exception handling and logging in the validation engine
  • Updated the validation OperationOutcome to include more information, the GUI was also updated

2023/12/11 Release 3.5.1

  • docker pull
  • The terminology system advertises support for more code systems

2023/12/08 Release 3.5.0

  • docker pull
  • Upgraded to HAPI FHIR 6.10.0 and Core 6.1.16
  • Implemented an HTTP read-only mode #158
  • Implemented a simple terminology server for offline validation #152
  • Upgraded logback to fix CVE-2023-6378
  • Fixed a bug in package loading on Windows filesystem

2023/10/05 Release 3.4.5

  • docker pull
  • CDA Logical Model update for xsi-type ST #145

2023/10/03 Release 3.4.4

  • docker pull
  • CDA Logical Model update for xsi-type ST #145
  • update hl7.terminology package from 5.1.0 to 5.3.0 #146
  • Validation: Upload of new IG over API does not configure it for validation #144

2023/09/20 Release 3.4.3

  • docker pull
  • FML: Contained ConceptMap in StructureMap does not work for transformation #137
  • FML: POST / PUT for StructureMap should return HTTP error code 404 instead of 200 in deployment mode #133
  • FHIR Validation problem with not support R5 extensions #135
  • FHIR Validation Errors for display values should only be warnings #132
  • GET all and query for url is not working in development mode #129
  • matchbox app assumed matchboxv3 as the app location #128
  • FHIR R4 validation error with cross version Extension for R5 #138

2023/09/05 Release 3.4.2

  • docker pull
  • Query all conformance resources by type #129

2023/09/04 Release 3.4.1

  • docker pull
  • development mode to create conformance resources #125
  • matchbox version in capability statement matchbox#126

2023/08/30 Release 3.4.0

  • docker pull
  • Updated to HAPI FHIR 6.8.0 and Core 6.0.22
  • Added support for custom paths with the filesystem package cache manager

2023/08/09 Release 3.3.3

  • docker pull
  • Upgraded Jackson to allow parsing longer JSON documents

2023/08/09 Release 3.3.2

  • docker pull
  • Increased the max heap to 2.5 giga to allow loading more IGs

2023/07/27 Release 3.3.1

  • docker pull
  • Updated to HAPI FHIR 6.6.2
  • GUI: updated to Angular 16
  • Fix hl7#terminology version in MatchboxEngineSupport
  • GUI: all IGs are now showing, fixes #119
  • GUI: remove the backend URL field, fixes #84
  • Improve the MatchboxEngineBuilder, fixes #113
  • Prepare for R4B/R5 support

2023/07/10 Release 3.3.0

  • docker pull
  • Updated to Core 6.0.1 and hapi-fhir 6.6.0
  • Updated to hl7#terminology 5.1.0
  • Loaded hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 1.0.0
  • Improved testing

2023/05/15 Release 3.2.3

  • docker pull
  • fix validation engine caching mechanism

2023/05/08 Release 3.2.2

  • docker pull
  • dependency upgrade (core 5.6.971, HAPI 6.4.4, Spring 5.3.27, Spring Boot 2.7.11)
  • replaced IgLoaderFromClassPath with #loadPackage()

2023/04/05 Release 3.2.1

  • docker pull \
  • reenable proxy support for downloading packages
  • update to core 5.6.116

2023/03/06 Release 3.2.0

  • updated CDA core logical model 2.0 and added tests
  • docker multiarchitecture support and ci-build setup #76
  • proxy support for downloading packages, thanks @ValentinLorand for your PR, #76
  • matchbox-server: disable caching for specific engines / implementation guides #77
  • update to core 5.6.100 and hapi-fhir 5.4.1 for r4 and r5 maps support #81

2023/02/01 Release 3.1.0

  • Reenable FHIR Mapping Language tutorial, xml and json issues with matchbox #51
  • Enable create and update on conformance resources #70, valid for 60 minutes (not persisting)
  • GUI: more intuitive order for validation #69
  • GUI: paged ig's page does not work #67
  • Update to and hapi-fhir 6.2.5
  • validation difference to HL7 FHIR validator #71: only selected ig (and dependencies) for selected canonical will be used for validation if configured on matchbox (including no dynamic loading of packages depending on meta.profile)
  • spurios validation erros with package validation #72
  • Fixed package configuration, not loading additional ig / conformance resources #71
  • loading IG from package by filepath does not work #26
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2023/01/16 Release 3.0.0

  • Update to
  • Extracting matchbox-engine out of matchbox for validation and transformation with standalone validation engine
  • CDA transformation: Updating to latest CDA Core 2.0 logical model with lab/pharm additions, package
  • matchbox-server for validation and transformation but not storage of FHIR resources
  • cda to fhir: decimal in cda allows spaces #62
  • Mapping of xmlText fails #61
  • removing questionnaire viewer and mobile access gateway gui

2022/09/11 Release 2.4.0

  • hapi-fhir 6.2.0 and org.hl7.fhir.core 5.6.43
  • update mobile access
  • ihe.iti.pmir#1.5.0 cannot be uploaded to matchbox #59: removed Subscription from resources to import
  • show all cda2fhir and fhir2cda maps #58
  • hapi.fhir.version: 6.2.0-PRE5-SNAPSHOT and fhir.core.version 5.6.65

2022/07/11 Release 2.3.0

  • favicon fixed #53
  • add possiblity to add a static file location #57

2022/06/08 Release 2.2.0

  • FHIR Mapping Language tutorial, xml and json issues #51
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2022/05/25 Release 2.1.0

  • hapi-fhir 6.0.0 and org.hl7.fhir.core 5.6.43
  • Validation: CapabilityStatement caching fixed #43
  • prototype SDC $assembly operation #46
  • Enable SDC extraction with unknown ValueSets #48
  • Patch for FHIR Mapping Language: funcMemberOf/resolveValueSet: Not Implemented Yet #49
  • validation without terminology server and with hl7.terminology #50
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2022/04/28 Release 2.0.0

  • version of ig, validator and matchbox should be provided in the validation report #40
  • hapi-fhir 6.0.0-PRE10-SNAPSHOT and org.hl7.fhir.core 5.6.43
  • allow xml in gui for validation #38
  • mobile access gateway gui: prefix DocumentEntry.identifier with urn:uuid in GUI #41
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2022/03/21 Release 1.9.1

2022/03/10 Release 1.9.0

  • Updated to hap-fhir 5.7.0, fhir.core.version (validator) 5.6.27
  • Extended Mobile Access Gateway support for PMP (replacing FHIR documents with selected Patient in Mobile Access Gateway, transforming to CDA and MDH publish)
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull
  • docker-compose setup for postgres and for postgres and swiss igs

2022/02/21 Release 1.8.2

2022/02/21 Release 1.8.1

  • Parsing of bundles adds additional contained resources [#11|(

2022/02/08 Release 1.8.0

  • Integrate webapp running on matchbox port and root itself #35
  • NPM can be downloaded with Accept:application/gzip on Implementation Guide Resource

2022/01/13 Release 1.7.1

  • JSON POST Requests have a size limit (filler issue) #33
  • FHIRPathEnginge construction is expensive #31
  • SNOMED CT Code validation problem for Quantity in Medication.amount #30
  • Validation: Uploaded StructureDefinitions via NPM are not available in same session for $validate #29
  • StructureMap transformation: Bundle request element not correctly ordered #27
  • Error on release V1.6.0 #24, thanks @delcroip
  • Integrated PR and PR for translate in Structure Map, thanks @aralych
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2022/01/04 Release 1.6.0

  • extend FHIR API based on Implementation Guide NPM packages #23
  • add spring actuator for health checks #22
  • disable special questionnaire validation #21
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2021/12/17 Release 1.5.0

  • updated hapi-fhir to 5.6.0
  • patched slicing validation problems in bundle
  • activated $expand operation on ValueSet
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull

2021/09/14 Release 1.4.0

  • updated hapi-fhir to 5.5.1, no more dependencies on forked packages
  • $extract on QuestionnaireResponse for StructureMap based extraction
  • support for the $transform operation for StructureMap
  • FHIR Mapping Language Support (POST FHIR Mapping language, transform)
  • fixed issues #7 and #8 (custom SearchParmeters and validation)
  • public test instance
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull
  • swiss epr release: docker pull

2021/07/05 Release 1.3.0

  • updated hapi-fhir to 5.5.0-PRE5-SNAPSHOT with patches for hapi-fhir and org.hl7.fhir.core (dev branch on ahdis foreach project)
  • updated swiss epr implementation guides to STU2 Ballot
  • renamed project to matchbox-validator
  • base release with no ig's configured: docker pull
  • swiss epr release: docker pull
  • testsystem endpoint for siwssepr validator:

2020/12/23 Release 1.2.0

  • updated hapi-fhir to 5.2.0
  • updated ch-epr-mhealth to 0.1.2
  • Release is available here: docker pull

2020/10/22 Release 1.1.0

2020/09/02 Release 1.0.0

  • system level $validate operation for $ig's
  • based on hapi-fhir-jpaserverstarter 5.1.0